Kamis, 14 September 2017

Tips to Select Loose Powder Color Suitable for Leather

1. Recognize our skin type
Normal facial skin can use most powder of any kind, ranging from powder, compact powder, or two way cake.
While oily skin types should use a powder type of anti-shine. In order not to trigger acne.
For dry facial skin, two way cake powder that has foundation can be an option to make the face look more moist. How to apply it by wetting sponge first with water.
2. Test the powder color on the wrist
Usually there is a tester that can be tried in place to sell cosmetics. Well, try to apply a little powder on the wrist that is generally colored similar to our facial skin.
If you want to try the tester directly on the skin, try to wear a brush or puff yourself, especially for sensitive skin, because the use of brush or puff powder in the tester can trigger acne.
3. Choose a powder that matches the skin color
Ummi's dark-skinned friend can choose a powder with a brownish or tropical beige color  .
For the skinned face yellow langsat, color powder that can be selected is a yellowish or  yellow beige .
For those who have tan skin or skin that is not too dark but not also yellow langsat, can try the beige color powder  .
For those who have white skin, can choose a powder with white color or often called  white cream .
Especially with reddish skin, can choose powder with ivory type   or ivory color.
Hopefully these tips useful.

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