Jumat, 15 September 2017

Eyeshadow Look from make over

Smokey Eye
Smokey eye can be a choice of makeup ideas to radiate a dramatic impression on appearance. The mysterious aura can also be seen in your hijab look . If you want to wear it for makeup everyday, choose a natural color eyeshadow so easily combined with clothing. For example, gray, dark brown, dark purple, to dark blue.
The way the application is simple. Mix older colors on the eyelids first. After that, use a lighter color to highlight the eye bone. To improve the appearance, add mascara that can increase the volume of eyelashes while making your smokey eye look more leverage.
Pastel Look
The pastel color palette has its own advantages, because it is suitable for any skin color owner. For the natural look of everyday, choose warm colors that are beautifully applied, ranging from peach, purple, to orange. You can also combine several colors at once, such as mint with violet to create a more trendy hijab appearance .
But, using eyeshadow with pastel is a little tricky because you have to be good at adjusting with hijab and other clothes that are used. If less intelligent in the mix and match, can make the makeup look messy.
Exotic Natural Look
Featuring a look that looks exotic on the look of hijab, why not? You can use a choice of color eyeshadow kit or liquid eyeshadow from Sariayu Color Trend 2017 Inspiration Gili Lombok, you know. The color choices inspired by Lombok's cultural exoticism to support the appearance of hijabers become more interesting.
Eyeshadow kit from Sariayu Color Trend 2017 Inspiration Gili Lombok has eight color choices suitable for Indonesian women's skin. Moreover, the formula contains Flamboyan plant extract, Amethyst Powder, and vitamin E as an antioxidant for skin.
In addition, there is also a UV filter that can help protect the skin from the adverse effects of the environment and UV rays. Eight colors can stick perfectly and durable without making dry skin. Because enriched with moisturizer that keeps skin moist from within.
In addition to eyeshadow kits, Sariayu also issued a liquid eyeshadow innovation that is not less beautiful. In one bottle there are 2 choices of colors that can enhance the appearance. Sheer liquid eyeshadow is easily applied and blends perfectly in the skin. You can use it according to the desired intensity. Try it yourself color choices so your favorite!
Creating hijab appearance with colorful eyeshadow kit from Sariayu Color Trend 2017 Gili Lombok inspiration is surely can make your appearance more interesting, Dream Friends!

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